What is URL Rewriting?
Most dynamic sites include variables in their URLs that tell the site
what information to show the user. Typically, this gives URLs like the
following, telling the relevant script on a site to load product number 7.
The problems with this kind of URL structure are that the URL is not at
all memorable. It's difficult to read out over the phone (you'd be surprised
how many people pass URLs this way). Search engines and users alike get no
useful information about the content of a page from that URL. You can't tell
from that URL that that page allows you to buy a Norwegian Blue Parrot (lovely
plumage). It's a fairly standard URL - the sort you'd get by default from most
CMSes. Compare that to this URL:
For those who are unsure URL rewriting is the practice of
providing virtual URLs to hide or mask their real physical equivalent. This can
be done for SEO, security or aesthetic reasons but overall is a nice addition
to any website making urls attractive
and readable (e.g
becomes "http://www.example.com/articles/example-article").
How it Works
It works by having a HTTP module
which is called every time the web application receives a HTTP request and
transfers the server path to one designated in the code. It takes very little
time to install and is very easy to customise. It is initially set up to just
match requested virtual URLs in a switch case and transfer them the
corresponding physical URL. This way of working is highly manual but it could
easily be switched to work using URLs pulled from a database or text file
depending on the content you are serving.
The HTTP Module
The HTTP module is just a class which inherits IHttpModule from the System.Web
library. Create a class in your App_Code
directory called "URLRewriter.cs"
or "URLRewriter.vb" and put in the
following code (depending on which language you are using).
using System;
public class URLRewriter : IHttpModule
public void
Init(HttpApplication inst)
inst.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(OnBeginRequest);
public void
OnBeginRequest(Object s, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication inst = s as HttpApplication;
req_path = inst.Context.Request.Path;
trans_path = "";
switch (req_path.ToLower())
case "/virtual/path/to/page1":
trans_path = "/physical/path/to/page.aspx?page=1";
case "/virtual/path/to/page2":
trans_path = "/physical/path/to/page.aspx?page=2";
trans_path = "/";
public void
Dispose() { }
Visual Basic.NET
Imports System
Imports System.Web
Public Class URLRewriter
Public Sub Init(ByVal inst As System.Web.HttpApplication) Implements System.Web.IHttpModule.Init
inst.BeginRequest, AddressOf Me.OnBeginRequest
End Sub
Public Sub OnBeginRequest(ByVal
app As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
inst As HttpApplication = CType(app, HttpApplication)
req_path As String
= inst.Context.Request.Path
trans_path As String
= ""
Select Case req_path.ToLower()
trans_path = "/physical/path/to/page.aspx?page=1"
trans_path = "/physical/path/to/page.aspx?page=2"
trans_path = "/"
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose() Implements
End Sub
End Class
The above class named URLRewriter
will handle all HTTP requests made to the web application so edit the switch
case in the OnBeginRequest method to meet
the requirements of your own site.
Installing the HTTP Module
Now the HTTP module is in place it’s time to configure your
web application to call it when it receives HTTP requests. This is done by
adding a line to the web.config. Insert the
line within the httpModules node which can
be found inside the system.web node.
<add name="URLRewriter"
With that setting added to the web.config it should now be up
and running. Fire up the server and give it a go, if there are any compilation
problems its a good chance you've missed
something so check it all over.
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